Gerold Tagwerker


For his two- and three-dimensional works, Gerold Tagwerker relies primarily on everyday and industrially prefabricated materials such as mirrors, gratings, fluorescent tubes, aluminum pipes or chipboard. Photography also plays an important role in his work strategy. Using complexes of works, many of which have a modular structure, he reflects on the grids of architecture, cityscapes and human existence and at the same time decodes the structures from which the world is built.

Gerold Tagwerker, born 1965 in Feldkirch (A), lives and works in Vienna and Feldkirch. His works have been shown in several national and international solo and group exhibitions, including Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch (2022), MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon (2019), Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt (2018), Kunstmuseum Appenzell (2018 & 2015), 21er Haus, Vienna (2018 & 2015), Landesgalerie Linz (2017), IKOB, Eupen (2017), Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn & Taxis, Bregenz (2015), MMKK Museum Moderner Kunst Klagenfurt (2015), MUMOK Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna (2014 & 2005), Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna (2014), Forum Stadtpark Graz (2010), Museum der Moderne, Salzburg (2009), Kunstverein Augsburg (2008), Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz (2006), ZKM, Karlsruhe (2005), Künstlerhaus Wien (2005), The Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago (2004), Ausstellungshalle zeitgenössischer Kunst, Münster (2004), Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg (2003), Kunstverein Friedrichshafen (2003), Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg (2003), Kunstmuseum St. Gallen (2003).


2012 New YorK grant for artistic photography from the Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture
2006 State Scholarship for Fine Arts of the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture
2004 7th Hypobank Art Prize, Bregenz
2001 Chicago Scholarship for Fine Arts from the Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture
2001 Working grant from the City of Vienna
1999 Paris Scholarship for Fine Arts from the Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture
1996 Rome Scholarship for Fine Arts from the Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture
1993 Working grant from the City of Vienna


2022 _einXfüreinU, Gallery Mathias Güntner, Berlin
2020 HARTMUT BÖHM / GEROLD TAGWERKER, Gallery Mathias Güntner, Hamburg 2019 mondrian_revisited, Gallery, Dornbirn
2018 _constructor, Museum for Concrete Art, Ingolstadt
2017 EPIPHENOMENON, Galerie Stadtpark, Krems
2015 _grids.zeroXV, Appenzell Art Museum
_mirror.zeroXV, Galerie, Dornbirn _safe, Galerie Mathias Güntner, Hamburg
WERNER FEIERSINGER / GEROLD TAGWERKER, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn & Taxis, Bregenz
2013 tube.flash, at the Pavillion, Wels
2011 _modulator, Galerie Neumeister, Munich
2010 _constructor, artfinder Gallery | Mathias Güntner, Hamburg
zero_X, Gallery Grita Insam, Vienna
Rochade, Gallery of the City of Wels, Wels (with Sepp Auer)
INTERMITTENT GEOMETRY, Forum Stadtpark, Graz (with Manuel Knapp)
2009 tube.flash, in the Pavilion, Wels
grid.zero9, Galerie, Dornbirn zero.nine, Galeria Lluciá Homs, Barcelona
2008 gridzero08, artfinder Gallery, Hamburg
2007 formfollowsfunction, Gallery Grita Insam, Vienna
2006 On Tunnels and Corridors, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz
zero.sechs, gallery, Dornbirn/Bregenz
2005 alphaville/zero5, artfinder Gallery, Hamburg
2004 grid.zero4, Gallery Grita Insam, Vienna
10x58W/840.flash - o.p., Förderverein Aktuelle Kunst, Muenster
2003 urban studies - friedrichshafen, Kunstverein Friedrichshafen
REMIS, Remise Bludenz, Bludenz


2023 Re-Inventing Piet. Mondrian and the consequences, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg
2022 the world many deep worlds, Kunstmuseum Appenzell
REFLECTIONS / SPIEGELWELTEN, Museum for Concrete Art Ingolstadt
Play becomes art, Museum Ritter, Waldenbuch
2020 90°, Remise Bludenz
2019 Fiction and Fabrication, MAAT-Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon
2018 If you need guidance, ask your colleague, Galerie Mathias Güntner, Hamburg
The 90s. A Viennese Divan, MUSA Museum Startgalerie Artothek, Vienna
all our darlings never seen before, Kunsthalle Ziegelhütte, Appenzell, Switzerland
2017 collected #7: Andre Räume, Tresor Bank Austria Kunstforum, Vienna
Scope. Art that can be changed, Landesgalerie Linz, Linz
Ressentiment - Cultures of Dissent, ikob, Museum of Contemporary Art, Eupen, Belgium
2016 Light II - Light Spaces, Photo Gallery Vienna, Vienna
2015 WERNER FEIERSINGER - GEROLD TAGWERKER, Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn und Taxis, Bregenz
Flirting with Strangers, 21er Haus, Vienna
Transparency, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
Display of the Centuries - Frederick Kiesler and Contemporary Art, Austrian Cultural Forum
New York
2014 Light & Reflection, Gallery, Prantl & Boch, Dornbirn/Bregenz
The other side. Mirrors and reflections in contemporary art, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna
Raw Materials - From the DIY market to the museum, Städtische Galerie Delmenhorst
Happy Warriors, Part III, Galerie Mathias Güntner, Hamburg
2013 Raw Materials - From the DIY market to the museum, Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen
2012 The Collection #2, 21er Haus, Vienna
Monday is the day after tomorrow, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Vienna
Space Affairs, MUSA - Museum on Demand, Vienna
Raw Materials - From the DIY market to the museum, Museum of Concrete Art, Ingolstadt
The Sigird and Franz Wojda Collection, Museum of Modern Art Carinthia, Klagenfurt
Me & I, Museum der Moderne Mönchsberg, Salzburg
Mirror Mirror, White Trash Contemporary, Hamburg
2011 Happy Warriors, artfinder Gallery | Mathias Güntner, Hamburg
2010 NineteenEightyFour, Austrian Cultural Forum, New York
Constellations, MUMOK Museum of Modern Art, Vienna
2009 FIFTY FIFTY. Art in dialog with the 1950s, Museum Wien, Vienna
COLOUR URBAN STRUCTURES, artfinder Gallery, Hamburg
2008 Kunstverein Krems, Krems
YO, MO' MODERNISM 1 & 2, CCNOA, Brussels
Aesthetic Complexes, Kunstverein Augsburg, Augsburg
2007 Alice & Co in Wonderland, Museum der Moderne, Salzburg
ABSTRACTS OF SYN, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz
2006 HEIMSPIEL 2006, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, St. Gallen
THEAUSTRIANABSTRACTS, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
A common place, Lentos Art Museum, Linz
2005 Light art from artificial light, ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe